domenica 8 aprile 2012


Si avvicinano gli appuntamenti dell’America’s Cup World Series in Italia.

Le tappe italiane saranno tra l’11 e il 15 aprile Napoli e tra il 15 e il 20 aprile Venezia.

Si inizierà domenica 8 aprile alle 21:00 in Piazza Plebiscito con la cerimonia d’apertura,

con la presentazione dei team.

Le regate inizieranno l’11.

Il campo di regata sarà posizionato davanti al lungomare cittadinocon il

promontorio di Posillipo.

Per i meno fortunati che non potranno partecipare, l’evento

sarà trasmesso dalle reti Mediaset (Italia1 e Italia2) e sul canale YouTube dell’America’s Cup.

Questo il programma TV:

Mercoledì 11 Aprile: 14.00-15.55 Diretta su Italia 2

Giovedi 12 Aprile: 14.00-15.55 Diretta su Italia 2

Venerdì 13 Aprile: 14.00-15.55 Diretta su Italia 2

Sabato 14 Aprile: 14.00-15.55 Diretta su Italia 1

Domenica 15 Aprile: 14.30-16.00 Diretta su Italia 1

Il programma tecnico invece precede prove di flotta, match race e prove di velocità, note

come AC500

April 11 - 14:15 - Two fleet races (plus 'spare' race)
April 12 - 13:30 - Match racing

(flights 1-3); 14:15 - Two fleet races
April 13 - 13:30 - Match racing (flights 4-7); 14:15 - Two fleet races
April 14 - 13:30 - Match racing (semi-finals, final); 14:15 - Two fleet races; Awarding of Match Racing Championship,

April 15 - 13:50 - AC500 Speed Trial; 14:55 - One fleet race (weighted points);

Awarding of Fleet Racing Championship,


They approach the appointments of the America's Cup World Series in Italy.

The Italian stages will be between 11 and 15 April

Naples and between 15 and 20 April


It will begin Sunday, April 8 at 21:00 in Piazza Plebiscito with the opening ceremony, with the

presentation of the team.

The races will start on 11. The racing area will be located off the waterfront city with the

promontory of Posillipo.

For the less fortunate who can not attend, the event will be broadcast by Mediaset (Italia 1 and Italy2) and the YouTube

channel of the America's Cup

This TV program:

Wednesday, April 11: 14:00 to 15:55 Live on Italy 2

Thursday, April 12: 14:00 to 15:55 Live on Italy 2

Friday, April 13: 14:00 to 15:55 Live on Italy 2

Saturday, April 14: 14:00 to 15:55 Live on Italy 1

Sunday, April 15: 14.30-16.00 Live on Italy 1

The technical program precedes tests instead of the fleet, match racing and speed

trials, known as AC500

April 11 - 14:15 - Two fleet races (plus 'spare' race)
April 12 - 13:30 - Match racing

(1-3 flights); 14:15 - Two fleet races
April 13 - 13:30 - Match racing (4-7 flights); 14:15 - Two fleet races
April 14 - 13:30 - Match racing (semi-finals, final); 14:15 - Two fleet races; Awarding of Match Racing Championship, Naples
April 15 - 13:50 - AC500 Speed
​​Trial; 14:55 - One fleet race (weighted points);

Awarding of Fleet Racing Championship, Naples

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